開発技術 Development Engineering Volume 6 2000年

●スピルオーバー、技術変化とイノベーション推進型クラスター - 台湾半導体産業のケース- 

 宮城 和宏

Spillovers, Technological Change and Innovation-driven Cluster  -The Case of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan-

  Kazuhiro Miyagi



The recent rise of high-technology industries in Taiwan has been one of the main topics in economics and other fields of science. Taiwan’s economy had a drastic change in industrial structure, from the labor-intensive and export-oriented economy to the R&D-intensive high-technology one, during the last two decades. In this paper, we demonstrate that the structural change is due to a shift in the dominant process of technology development in Taiwan. The shift is from an old-fashioned process, which relies on naive technology introduction, learning and accumulation by individual firms, to the innovation-driven cluster formation in high-tech industries like the semiconductor one. The cluster formation is promoted by the co-evolution between government-supported institutes, universities, local firms and the transnational technological community.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we examine an old-fashioned process of technology development. In Section 3 we consider the role of government, government-supported institutes and international spillovers of R&D through the reverse brain-drain in the establishment of the semiconductor industry. Section 4 specifies the meaning of the term “Cluster”and clarifies the cluster formation process in the industry from the historical point of view. In Section 5 we compare the innovation-driven cluster around Hsincyu Science Park with the labor-intensive and export-oriented factor-driven clusters, with special attention to passive collective efficiency (Marshall-Arrow-Romer externality) and active collective efficiency. Section 6 concludes and suggests the directions for further research. 


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* 投稿論文を修正する上で本誌編集委員田村修二氏、2人の匿名レフリー並びに九州共立大学の水戸康夫氏、石川俊哉氏からのコメントは大変有意義であった。記して謝意を表したい。なお、本稿は平成10-11年度文部省科学研究費(奨励研究 課題番号10730030)の研究成果の一部である。



インド地場産業への技術移転支援  - 染料中間体企業への公害防止活動支援を事例として- 

   可児 圭子

Effective Approach to Technology Transfer to Indian Local Industries

-Pollution Control Activities of Dye and Dye-intermediate Industries- 

   Keiko Kani



The Dye and Dye-intermediate industry in Gujarat, India, is one of the major industries in the region, while effluent from dye and dye-intermediate factories caused serious water pollution problems. The industry has already taken countermeasures such as the construction of common effluent treatment plants in each major chemical industrial estate, with the support from the central and state government. However, it is still very difficult for the industry to comply with the effluent standards and it is imperative to decrease the load of effluent by improving manufacturing process and environmental management to solve these problems.

This paper examines the effective approach from Japan to support Indian local industries to take enough pollution control measures by improving their technology and management, based on the result of the study on the behaviors of local enterprises.


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  並河 良一

Problems Involved in Rural Industry Development Policy Having Linkage with Region 

  Ryoichi Namikawa



In many Asian countries, the rural industry development policy is considered important to solve the economic differential between rural areas and city areas, which has been caused by the high growth of the Asian economy. However, the rural industries of Asian countries have various kinds of business problems covering finance, production and marketing. In Japan, the economic differential between rural areas and city areas has been a great problem awaiting solution for a long time, and a rural industry development policy can be seen before World War II. This research extracts the business problems of the rural industry development policy before World War II in Japan and discusses the causes of these problems. It is found that the business problems of rural industries arose at the interface between the policy and the market economy. Furthermore, it is clarified that the business problems were caused by the principle of the rural industry development policy holding fast to the rural communities’ initiative, in other words the tight linkage between rural industries and their own regions. To make rural industries efficient, it is necessary for rural industries to reduce the extent of linkage with the region in accordance with the situation of each era and each country.


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●国際標準化が発展途上国の工業発展に与える影響に関する考察 TBT協定下でのISO/IEC規格の影響 

  倉田 健児、神田 啓治

An Influence of International Standardization on the Industrial Development in Developing Countries 

-Effect of ISO/IEC standards under a regime of theWTO/TBT agreement- 

   Kenji Kurata, Keiji Kanda



Japan had taken advantage of a standardization policy for its industrial development as much as possible. It is also said that the era, in which Japan had industrially developed mostly, could allow Japan using the policy in this way. However, recent international discussion concerning the WTO/TBT agreement is strongly requesting each government conform its own standards with the international standards basically from a trade enhancing point of view.

The standardization policy could work effectively for industrial development as it has been proven in Japan’s case described on this paper. On the contrary internationally unified standards do not necessarily contribute to industrial development in developing countries. It is pointed out that certain kinds of standards would hamper emergence of sophisticated technologies oriented industry in developing countries if these countries were forced to use these standards as international standards.

Therefore, well-balanced international standardization from the point of view on not only trade enhancing but also attaining industrial development in developing countries must be required.


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  足立 芳寛

Market Leverage Effects on Advanced Materials For Environment Protection 

  Yoshihiro Adachi



Technological innovations are generally categorized into two types, “Product innovation” and “Process innovation” The iron and steel industry has pursued product innovation such as high-strength steel sheet, electrical steel sheet and highly corrosion-proof steel, and process innovation such as continuous casting and exhaust energy recovery. These innovations have contributed not only to the improvement of process productivity and resource conservation in operations related directly to making steel, but also to increasing energy efficiency in the production-to-use stage.

The improved steel products play a major role in energy conservation. The use of new electrical steel in transformers serve as examples. For the magnitude of energy conservation, material leverage effect for environment (MLE) should be considered and also the emission trade mechanism has much role at the first phase of introduction.

Key words: material leverage effect for environment (MLE), electrical steel, emission payback (EPB), and transformer 


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地球環境の保全のため、省エネルギー、省エミッション型の社会システム、技術体系へのパラダイムシフトが求められている。社会で利用されるエネルギーを如何に効用を落とさず、利用するか。エントロピーミニマムな利用形態が求められている。新たな材料の開発、導入のインセンティブを社会システムで利用された時の省エネルギー効果で考察する必要がある。ところが新素材の開発には初期の研究開発のコストがかかり、必然的にエネルギーの消費を増大させる。しかしブレイクイブンポイントを越えた以降の省エネ効果は大きい。新素材の利用されるマーケットの大きさを梃子のアームとして、その拡大効果(Material Leverage Effect)と定義し、電磁鋼材の改良を例にLCA(Life Cycle Analysis)分析を行う。さらに、技術革新の導入初期の負荷軽減に寄与するEmission Tradeの役割について分析を行った。




   新宮 秀夫

The Golden Rule and Engineering Ethics 

  Hideo Shingu



Until quite recently, engineers did not need to pay much attention to the problem of ethics. They only have to concentrate on their individual specific field of technology to get better results of their own. But nowadays, the better results in the past days, in many cases, are not the better results at all nor sometimes these may be totally wrong for the welfare of the human being.

Consequently, engineers present and future must not be indifferent to the ethics. Moreover the recent problems in ethics, which is in strong connection with the global environmental change which in many cases are crucial for the survival of human being, can only be properly discussed by the co-operation between the engineers and the experts in the field of ethics.

Present article tries to give engineers a concise introduction to what have been discussed in the field of ethics dating back to the days of Confucius and Aristotle till the present time. The starting Chapter treats the review and comments of the author on the so called Golden Rule, which may be regarded as the “natural law” which in turn may be regarded as the starting point of the ethics. Then in the next Chapter, two basic problems of ethics, “the existence of free will” and “the ultimate purpose of human life” are reviewed and a concise summary is given.

It has been concluded, in the third and fourth Chapters, that the ethics must be human centred as it has been so since the beginning of ethical concept. However, since the existence of human being can only be sustained provided the healthy and sound existence of, not only the lives other than the human being, but also the existence of non living materials in a favourable condition to the human being. In short, the ethics in the future must take the relation of all the creatures living and non living to the human being into consideration, in addition to the conventional consideration of the relation between people.

Such extension of ethical view can only be possible by the sincere commitment of engineers in the field of ethics, since many of the problems need the expert knowledge and skill of engineers in order to be properly understood and treated.


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    東郷 賢

Policy of Industrial Estates for Development: Research Agenda 

    Ken Togo



The objective of this article is to compare the academic research on the performance of industrial estates in developing countries with the real business of developing industrial estates in developing countries, in order to find the research agenda to improve the policy of industrial estates in developing countries.


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    古市 徹雄

Shenyang Forum Workshop 

  Tetsuo Furuichi



In September 1999, as a part of the North-East Asian Urban Design Forum, an exciting workshop was held in Shenyang, China. Eleven graduate students from Japan together with 20 under-graduate students from China formed five teams, each consisting of both nationalities. Through ten days’ discussion, students from both countries worked together to present their proposals for the selected five cultural sites in Shenyang. Shenyang, the fifth largest city in China, has recently progressed its development dramatically. Through the field works, the students learned its historical background, customs and manners, and its existing problems. After the field works, the students repeatedly discussed over the proposal for the following selected five sites: Shenyang Palace, the government Square, area surrounding the Shenyang Station, area along the canals, and commercial district for computer business. On the final day, a presentation was given at the attendance of the majority of the architects, including a famous Japanese architect Mr. Maki, and urban designers who were involved in this workshop. The presentation achieved a big success, and the proposals were exhibited at the International Architect Exhibition which was at the same time held in Shenyang.


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  大野 和雄、倉又 孝

Preliminary Report on the sustainable Water-Treatment System for Aquqculture Pond (Shimanto-Iloilo Demonstration Model) 

  Kazuo Ohno, Takashi Kuramata



Kochi-Prefecture has developed a ecological wastewater treatment system by type of natural recycling that is called as “Shimanto River Treatment System” The system has been introduced by 21 communities in Japan. The function is based on bio-degradation by rock filtering tank with aeration and with charcoal of which Kitsan covered.

The Shimanto IloIlo Demonstration Model was designed to aim at wider application into Asia regions. The system introduced devices such as ceramics that has a water treatment ability and mangrove trees, to existing “Shimanto Treatment System” because the root of the mangrove suited for food chain system in sea water.

The demonstration plant was set up in SEAFDEC research centre in IloIlo City, Philippine, and this report is based on such demonstration.


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  新たな技術人材育成方法論の実践的研究  -新技術人材育成プログラムの研究分科会報告を兼ねて- 

 林 幹浩、足立 芳寛

Practical Research on the New Methodology in Educating Engineers -As the Report of the Working Group

for the New Educational Program for Engineers-

  Mikihiro Hayashi , Yoshihiro Adachi



The recent rapid changes of the society challenge the system of engineering education. The economy needs engineers to have the ability to realize technologies in the real world, or to recognize what is required in the real world, although few know how to educate engineers to do so.

The Working Group for the New Educational Program for Engineers tried to make a practical curriculum for the purpose, which include (1) the grand view of surroundings of engineers (2) the legal or legitimate systems regarding technologies (3) the science of business strategy/decision-making (4) Specific Industrial technologies.

The group also had an opportunity of real classes to undergraduate students in Engineering Department. The author tried the “Case method,” which encourage the students to think, discuss and solve the specific complicated situation of real companies, instead of carrying them the “true solution” in one-way. The implication seems in-depth to build up some educational methodology in problem-solving capability. It should be important to enhance these practical endeavors.


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そこで、新人材育成プログラム研究会として、実践的な教育カリキュラムを策定する作業を通じて求められる方法論を模索し、(1)技術者を取り巻く世界の概観(2)技術に関する諸制度(3)技術者の持つべき戦略的知識(4)具体的な産業技術 を包括的に提供するプログラムを策定した。また、実際にこのプログラムを工学部の学生に対して行った実践の場で、具体的な企業のケースをもとに議論する「ケースメソッド」を試行し、与えられた問に対する「正解」に到達することとしてではなく、具体的問題を個々に考察する能力の開発・向上を図り、工学教育における問題の創造的解決の能力にかかる人材育成方法についての示唆を得た。引き続きこうした人材育成にかかる実践的取り組みを深化させることが重要であると考えられる。






第1章 技術移転の理論

「基幹産業プロジェクトの技術移転と戦略行動を分析するCSF( Critical Success Factor)フレームワーク」

 戦略的プロジェクトマネジメントの視点_   小原 重信


第2章 鉄鋼の技術移転   佐籐  進


第3章 工作機械工業の技術移転

 日本からシンガポールに対する生産技術開発力の移転_   榎本 眞三



BOT特集 1999年3月 

1章 アジア民活インフラ問題の現状と課題 木下 俊彦

2章 民間企業から見たBOTプロジェクト 團野 廣一

3章 BOTの収益とリスク構造 波田野琢磨

4. 参考文献_

5. セクター別プロジェクト一覧



   市村 真一

International Cooperation Should be a Fundamental Nation Policy of Japan

   Shinichi Ichimura



  植之原 道行

Global Development of Electronic Technology

   Michiyuki Makinohara



  エマニュエル V.ソリアノ

A Case Study Analysis for the Evaluation of Technological Innovation

   Emanuel V. soriano



   谷口 恒明、高橋 進

Productivity and its Technology Transfer

  Tsuneaki Taniguchi, Susumu Takahashi



   小池 和男

Skill Formation Systems and Technology Transfer

   Kazuo koike



   足立 芳寛、石原 慶一

A Case Study Analysis for the Evaluation of Technological Innovation

   Yoshihiro Adachi, Keiichi N. Ishihara



 佐藤 進

Recent Technology Transfer

   Susumu Sato



   近藤 正幸

Industrial Technology Strategy of Malaysia to Enhance Industrial Competitiveness 

   Masayuki Kondo



開発技術 Development Engineering Volume5,1999


●企業間技術移転のプロジェクトマネジメントによる安定化 - 不安定フレームワークの構造とスタビライザー探索-  

   小原 重信

Technology Transfer and Project Management - In Search of Stabilize to Unstable Framework Caused by Biases - 

   Shigenobu Ohara



The Asian economy of boom and bust offers chance timely to reconsider role of technology transfer. In the mid-1980s, rising currencies and costs in Japan had triggered entrepreneurs to reorganize network for work sharing. The multinationals flooded into Asia and invested rapidly to upswing the economy. Quick learning and agile production become keys. Driving force of technology transfer had shifted from government intervention to its supporting role to expanding variety. The distinguished change is observed in the fact that initiatives of technology transfer are in the hands of private firms from conglomerate giant to small firm. This paper intends to make general framework model to look into the whole process of technology transfer. It forms of strategic project management for new business challenge and transformation. The project life cycle and phased planning links closely depends with initiation of new business undertaking. The level of partnership collaboration of different origin and culture is another aspect to watch in terms of dynamism. The technology donor tends to be conservative while the recipient is aggressive in search for quick expectation. Hindering factors caused by changing business environment or possible mismatches, misunderstandings or confrontation are common, but such biases adversely affect the achievement of final targets. The interest lay in mechanism how unstable structures became stable and what factors restores stability.


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Trends, Patterns and Development and Overseas R&D Activity of Multinational Enterprises: Evidence from US and Japanese MNEs

    Nagesh Kumar



This paper examines the trends and patterns in the internationalization of innovative activity of MNEs and analyses the factors that determine the location of overseas R&D using a detailed dataset for US and Japanese MNEs. Although increasing over time, R&D is still the least internationalized of MNEs’ value adding activities and the leading edge research in the core technologies of companies is hardly ever relocated abroad. Overseas R&D is primarily motivated to support foreign production, to take advantage of cheaper R&D manpower available abroad and to benefit from competitors’ R&D in other countries. The overseas R&D is highly concentrated in the technologically advanced countries and developing countries host a minor part of it. In the leading technologically industrialized countries such as the US, R&D expenditure of foreign owned MNEs generally exceeds what home based MNEs relocate abroad. Hence, they may be net recipients of flow of overseas R&D expenditures. A few developing countries that have created considerable national institutional infrastructure for innovative activity and are endowed with cheap R&D manpower, such as India, have also begun to attract some R&D investments and research contracts from MNEs. A quantitative analysis of the factors explaining the locational pattern of overseas R&D by US and Japanese MNEs tended to corroborate the propositions that only countries that are characterised by a larger scale of technological activity and abundant cheap but qualified R&D manpower are most likely to play host to MNEs’ overseas R&D activity. The larger size of domestic market also helps in attracting R&D activity because of economies of scale involved. Policy factors such as strength of patent protection offered or the relative openness of the economy are of peripheral importance, if at all.


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●組織改革と生産性の向上について  - 国鉄の民営化およびタイ国鉄の改革可能性を事例に-     

   大野 祐司

Organisation Change and Productivity Growth - The Case of Japanese Railway Privasation and Thai Railway Reform Plan -

   Yuji Ono



This paper attempts to address the importance of organisational changes as the underlying source of productivity differentials. First, the paper focuses on the case of Japanese National Railway privatisation and explores the reasons of productivity growth, since significant changes could be expected as a result of privatisation. Second, the paper discusses the applicability of the Japanese experiences to the National Railway of Thailand. Finally, the paper attempts to provide theoretical considerations on productivities and organisational changes, which are also expressed by ‘technological capabilities’.


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 入山 章栄

Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer in China 

   Akie Iriyama



Inflow of foreign direct investment to China has been increasing since the Chinese government began its economic reform process in 1978. This increase has become outstanding in the 1990’s. The present paper clarifies that inflow of foreign direct investment contributes to the economic growth of China, not only by expanding the volume of production with capital accumulation and trade expansion but also by improving the efficiency of production through technology transfer. It also presents that advanced technology and management expertise of foreign firms are not only transferred to their affiliates in China, but are also spilled-over to other local firms.


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  国吉 浩、神田 啓治

The Role of the International Security Export Control Regime and the Development of the Asian Region 

  Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, Keiji Kanda



The international security export control regimes for the prevention of weapons proliferation have been strengthened drastically. The exports of many goods and technologies used in ordinary industrial activities have fallen under international control. With the industrialization of Asian countries, the trade of controlled goods and technologies has become a significant part of their economic activities. However, Asian countries, except Japan and South Korea, have not participated in these international regimes. If they remain non-members of the regimes, it may cause problems due to the strict control of their trade by regime member countries. For further development and industrialization, the Asian countries should implement the necessary security export controls and participate in international security export control regimes. Japan should play a role in supporting them in such efforts.


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規制緩和の産業開発効果の要因分析  - 西オーストラリア州の天然ガス規制緩和を事例として-  

   並河 良一

The Analysis and Evaluation of the Deregulation as an Industrial Development Policy

- The Case Study on the Natural Gas Deregulation in Western Australia -

   Ryoichi Namikawa



The deregulation as a sustainable industrial development policy is becoming more important in a developing country (area) under the accelerating globalization of the economy. This research shows how the deregulation leads the industrial development through the study on the natural gas deregulation in the state of Western Australia (WA).

In the WA the production cost of direct reduced iron (DRI) has dropped through the decrease of the domestic gas price led by the natural gas deregulation, and many commercial DRI plants are starting to be constructed. The following some key factors are found behind these industrial developments led by the deregulation.

Firstly the deregulation was enough thorough to reduce the natural gas price to the international market price. Secondly the deregulation was introduced under the improving and better business environment for DRI plants as follows. (1) The deregulation was introduced timely when the Asian economy was developing. (2) The deregulation was enforced under WA's comparative advantageous conditions for DRI production. (3) The DRI projects, which were harmonized with WA's industrial development policy, were supported by the WA government. 

This case study shows, “The deregulation as a industrial development policy in a developing country (area) can be evaluated by the cost analysis considering the business environment for each industry.”


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   藤末 建三、江藤 学、坂田 一郎

Comparative Study of Foreign Researcher Employment in Japan and the US

   Kenzo Fujisue, Manabu Eto, Ichiro Sakata



In Japan, the shortage of researchers is expected to be 1.6 million in 2010 by rapid aging of Japanese society. On the other hand, in the U.S., universities invite lots of students form foreign countries and provide researchers to industry.

The study examined the status quo of foreign researchers in both Japanese and U.S. by looking at universities and industries. And this study detailed the various educational fields that attract the most foreign students and roles that many foreign researchers play in science and high-technology business.

Finally this study examined the US government policies toward researchers’ immigration and compared the various issues that affect researcher mobility across border in the U.S. and in Japan. The goal is to make policy proposal for increase the number of foreign researchers in Japan in order to complement shortage of Japanese researchers in the early 21st century.


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  戸井 朗人

Japanese Management System and Business Environment which Venture Enteprises

  Akito Toi



In the United States, many venture enterprises have been playing important role in its robust economy, while, in Japan, few venture enterprises succeed in their business. In order to make quantitative evaluation, we picked up large US and Japanese companies based on thier market capitalization, and compared thier performance in each country’s industry. We also analyzed the difference with regard to management style of each country, and showed that unclear rule and arbitrarity of Japanese management style prevents growth of venture enterprises. The result also has important implication for Asian countries, which often adopt Japanese style management.


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  情報流通の国際化と社会情報化の位相  -マルチメディア時代の情報通信基盤:アジア太平洋地域を中心に-

  永松 利文

Grobal Trend of Telecommunication and Aspects of Information Oriented Society

- Telecommunication Infrastructure Via Multimedia Era: Focus on Asia Pacific Region -

    Toshifumi Nagamatsu



Multimedia has become a television and newspaper or personal computer via internet buzzword around the world, but the correct definition of multimedia is not clear.

There is one suggestion from telecommunication council in MPT had defined multimedia as follows; “Multimedia is a integration of audio including voice, visual picture and moving picture, print and other data by digital information-media which is commonly accessible through interactive and intelligent system offered by enhanced communication network. Moreover multimedia is a mode of communications possible the transmission of important data via network in sophisticated format.”

Besides, according to MPT, multimedia industry is expecting to grow 123 trillion yen worth by 2010 in Japan, and generating over 2.4 million new jobs. In order to establish multimedia society, it is important to develop computer technology, sophisticated communication network, and telecommunication infrastructure as world wide which covers from developed counties to developing countries as “universal service”.


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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume4,1998



    木下 俊彦

Problems regarding the Privatized Infrastructure Projects:

How Japanese Government and Private Sector should cope with the Situation?

   Toshihiko Kinoshita



The GNP size of a developing country is strongly related to its investment amount in infrastructure. Further, with the advance of the development stage, the share of the infrastructure of the GNP tends to rise. Thus, in fast-growing economies in Asia, high growth of the demand for infrastructure investment has been predicted.

The World Bank stated in 1995 that infrastructure investment demand in East Asia would be U.S.$ 1.3-1.5billion in 10 years and that to meet enormous fund requirement for such purposes, privatization of individual infrastructure projects in form of B.O.T or B.O.O schemes, or of governmental entities should be strongly promoted. The new demand of this sort would create huge business chances. Those provide chances on one hand, but risks are involved on the other hand. Hong Kong Chinese businessmen, and western firms who are accustomed to B.O.T-typed projects in their own countries have had more competitiveness in the region than Japanese firms as total. Our study group made hearings what made the handicaps and how they could be overcome.

Meanwhile, serious financial crisis took place since the middle of 1996. Indonesia, which were hardest hit, postponed or canceled various projects. Even its existing projects will be negatively influenced by the collapse of Suharto regime at the end of May, 1998. Apart from the current sluggish situation, or taking the mid- /long-term view, big infrastructure demand predicted by the World Bank would come true. We have currently two major points to be considered. One is how to reduce risks involved in those projects and how to teach and train the concerned people in those countries and the other is how to strengthen the capacity of Japanese teams in this field. For the former, more effective role of the World Bank Group and other public sector, and, for the latter, trials of the " National Model Projects" have been proposed.


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  国際開発・国際協力の人材育成プログラムについて  - 高度専門職業人養成機関の確率をめざして-

 根木 昭、溝上 智恵子、小川 眞佐志

Graduate Educational Program for International Development and Cooperation

- Establishment of Highly-Qualified Professional Educational Institutions-

   Akira Neki, Chieko Mizoue, Masashi Ogawa



Success and failure of international cooperation often depends on the quality and quantity of human resources of donor side. Historically Japanese human resource development based heavily on the accumulation of international experiences. However increased Japanese influence of development assistance inevitably requires the strengthened of specialist education in this field in order to carry out efficient international cooperation. To this end many university graduate courses in international development and cooperation have been established, and practical education and training courses have been developed by concerned governmental organizations. Japanese graduate educational system is also changing reflecting the opinion of the Council of University; for the purpose of elaborating international graduate level of education, flexibility of learning period was introduced and educational conditions were improved in order to accept more applicants who have already job careers. These changes are backed up by general deregulation movement in Japan, and many plans have rapidly been in practice.

In order to comprehend the present situation a questionnaire was prepared by us. Then it was sent to 385 universities of graduate course and got 76.1% high reply ratio. Then present situation of Japanese education related to international development and cooperation as well as the problems to be solved are analyzed.

This report contains 3 parts; firs part is an analysis of questionnaire by Chieko Mizoue, second part is a case study of selected Japanese graduate courses by Akira Negi and third part is a case study of foreign countries by Masashi Ogawa.


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 永里 善彦、小川 眞佐志、吉川 榮和

Development of Technology and Social System Revitalizing Aging Society

   Yoshihiro Nagasato, Masashi ogawa, Hidekazu Yoshikawa



The coming 21st Century is not only an information intensive technology society but also an aging society. This aging society may be characterized by shortages of the productive population; lost energies and vitality; an increased burden of the costs of social security. These will in turn necessitate the development of technology for energizing or reinvigorating the aging society. For elderly people who will have greater individual differences, the development of human machine interface technology which will respond to individual requirements will be indispensable, and to support the self-sustenance of the elderly, it will be important to provide user-friendly, safe and extensive (commodities suitable to human life) and (barrier free commodities and environment).

In the face of the aging society, Japan as the front running country in the world will have to build a new (barrier free) social system. In other words, Japan is now required to build a flexible social system which will make good use of elderly people and women as well as foreigners as both brain and physical workers. For this purpose, the (Japanization) of foreigners in Japan should be promoted, and a society which is considerate of foreign residents in Japan and which encourages the influx of people, funds and technology from overseas countries will have to be established.


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 真柄 欽次

Income Unequality and Energy Consumption Patterns in Development and Cooperation

   Kinji Magara



Reverse (U) patterns for income unequality and energy consumption, which have been described by several economists, were reevaluated by the use of international statistical date. Many exceptions are known to exist in such patterns, so that it seems essential to analyze historical, political, social and natural conditions in understanding their development patterns.

To make an effective energy policy for a developing country, considerations on the following items may be made; 1. proper energy pricing, 2. energy efficiency and alternative energy resources development, 3. international assistance, and 4. energy technology and education.


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 木嶋 恭一、李 清乎

Technology Strategy of Developing Country by Inviting Developed Country to Technology Oriented Project

   Kyouichi Kijima, Cheongho Lee



This paper aims at discussing the learning process and features of technology transfer caused by a technology oriented project which a developing country plans and invites a developed country to participate in. At first, we define ‘technology oriented project’ and differentiate it from ‘cost saving project’. Since the technology oriented project usually involves high technologies, the developing country is eager to realize the plan to learn the technologies adaptively. However, it is well-known that the developed country is, in general, conservative toward the technology transfer to keep the technological competitive advantages over the developing countries when they are competitive in the market. We discuss this conservative attitude of the developed country in some more detail. We, then, examine rational technology transfer level determined as a result of bargaining for pursuing their own profit. We clarify how these technology transfer levels depend on the technological level of the project and project-participating countries. Finally, we argue some actual cases to demonstrate validity and relevance of our analysis.


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   永松 利文

Consideration of Telecommunication Infrastructure in the Developing Countries- Caribbean Countries and Asian-Pacific Project -     Toshifumi Nagamatsu



Telecommunication Infrastructure is recognized as a important instrument in information society via 21st century. In developed countries such as US that began telecom reform to respond for the increasing demands from society for improved & advanced telecommunication services are restructuring of its domestic telecommunication carriers.

This examines the telecommunication reform from perspective of the developing countries which tries to achieve in terms of telecommunication and economic and social development.

Especially focus on both Caribbean & Asia-Pacific countries, these countries are developing stage to arrange social infrastructure including telecommunication that has significant influence for modern economical development based on information society.

Caribbean countries are seeking to arrange basic telecommunication infrastructure to promote economical development. And Asia-Pacific area which is one of remarkable place in the world at the point of rapidly economical growth, also which are expected to be one of the economical hub in this coming 21st century. So there are needs to establish enhanced telecommunication infrastructure represented (Multimedia), of course basic telecom infrastructure is under development stage. 

I would like to suggest the method of development for telecommunication infrastructure which will be most important social infrastructure via (Information society) in the modern society.


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●製造業技術と開発政策:supermodularity による分析

 蟻川 靖浩、東郷 賢

Manufacturing Technology and Development Policy: An Analysis by Supermodularity

 Yasuhiro Arikawa, Ken Togo



This study analyzes theoretically trends in the difference of technological level between developed countries and less developed countries by using the concept of (supermodularity.) Our results show that this difference will become greater under the circumstances where the technology progresses. Our model suggests that the technological level of less developed countries should be lower than that of developed countries because the feasibility sets of human capital and the social infrastructure in less developed countries are more limited than those of developed countries, even if the most advanced technology is available for less developed countries through purchasing patents or utilizing foreign direct investment. The only way to solve this problem is to expand the feasibility sets of human capital and social infrastructure.

The distinctive feature of our analysis is that our model considers only the level of technology, not on the profitability of the firms. Our model assumes that firms maximizes their profit. We argue that firms’ choice of lower-level technology in developing countries is significantly attributable to this profit maximization behavior.


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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume3,1997


   新宮 秀夫

Beate Certe Omns Vivere Volumus 

  Hideo Shingu



"We all want to live happily." This famous expression by Cicero so plainly describes the aim of the Development Engineering. Then, naturally, comes the question, "what is happiness?". This paper first reviews various old and new writings about happiness. Happiness is then classified into four stages. The first is the attainment of simple pleasures. Second is the continuation of that pleasure to the time of one's death or beyond. Third is the experience of hardship or sorrow for the sake of intensification of the feeling of happiness. The last stage is to find the real and supreme happiness in the hardship or sorrow itself without expectation of any compensation. These stages are similar to a four storied house. Without first floor, there can be no higher floors. The problem for the Development Engineering is to find the way how to satisfy the strong desire of people to live in the first floor without destroying the whole house and let people enjoy the real happiness in the higher floors. The physical cause of the danger, of the destruction of the house itself in the near future, exists in the exponential nature of the expansion of the economy inherent in the people's activities living in the first floor. Proposed is a principle of taxation, to moderate such expansion, introducing a time parameter of when to tax as much as necessary. This parameter, which is the ratio of the relaxation time of the sentiment of joy of attaining the pleasure of high profit and the time to tax, is called , in the field of rheology, the "Deborah number". This parameter is applicable to the timing of starting any renovation action to relax the human attachment to the old habits. The concluding remarks are that the history never repeats and the happiness does not lie in the satisfaction.


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   小澤 輝智

"Excessive" FDI and Dilemmas of Technology Transfer 

   Terutomo Ozawa



Although the yen began to decline in value against the dollar after its record high in the spring of 1995, it has become overvalued as a secular trend ever since 1985. Behind this long-term trend is the emergence of Japan's distorted structural "dualism" comprising the outer-focused (OF), super-efficient, export-competitive sector and the inner-dependent (ID), highly secluded and still heavily regulated sector.

The upshot is the rapid pace of one-sided multinationalization of the OF sector, generating continuous outflows of foreign direct investment and threatening a hollowing-out of Japanese industry. This phenomenon, which can be identified as the "price-industry-flow" (a la David Hume) syndrome, is most pronounced in Japan's components-intensive, assembly-based industries, notably automobiles and electronics goods. The Japanese firms, large and small alike, in these industries have been compelled to make overseas investments perhaps too excessively and impetuously, especially in East Asia, whose host countries are not quite as yet prepared to host these assembly-based Japanese multinationals whose competitiveness depends on the Japanese production paradigm.

The resultant mismatch often leads to the host countries' criticisms about Japan's technology holding and keiretsu colonialism, making the issues of technology transfer all the more complicated and nettlesome.


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  柏木 孝夫

Basic Direction and Prospects of Energy-Related R&D In Japan 

  Takao Kashiwagi



As we are approaching the third conference of Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) to be held in Kyoto in December 1997, we have reached the stage of having to implement a global warming prevention action plan for the 21st century. In this paper I introduce the global energy scenario announced in the second report of the Intergovernmenta1l Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1995, and specify technical development objectives for energy conservation, new energies and environment protection. Furthermore, I propose the general idea of the ‘Life Cycle Energy Revenue and Expenditure Balance’ as a sustainable condition for evaluating future energy related technology development. I show this on various electricity generation cycles. From the viewpoint of a social system giving priority to the environment the construction of an energy resource circulation city becomes increasingly important. Sustainable economic activities are impossible without the 'Reverse Factory', or complete recycling. Finally, I pointed out the importance of technology transfer for internal internationalization and international contribution for Japan, emphasizing the need for a technology network without national boundaries.


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   菊池 剛

Effective Technological Cooperation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries

  Tsuyoshi Kikuchi



This paper deals with technology transfer for medium and small enterprises(MSEs) in developing countries;how technology transfer should be promoted and what conditions are required for successful transfer of technology.

Technology transfer consists of three phases; (1) phase to learn technology; (2) phase to modify learned technology; (3) phase to diffuse modified technology(appropriate technology). Multi- and bilateral aid agencies have so far implemented many programs and projects to promote technology transfer for MSEs in developing countries. However, the phase to diffuse appropriate technology has not always been successfully carried out, as planned, due to lack of marketability of products, lack of credit system for MSEs and lack of market accessibility. In one word, (lack of marketability of technology). Therefore, it is essential to confirm marketability of technology in order to promote technology transfer for MSEs successfully.


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  川辺 純子

Technology Transfer to Malaysia by Japanese Companies - The Case of Electrical and Electronic Industry -

  Junko Kawabe



Japanese foreign direct investment in East and Southeast Asia has increased drastically since the Yen appreciation in the mid-1980’s. This has resulted on a greaterintegration in their industries horizontally. Consequently, technology transfer has served as a catalytic agent in enhancing their structural adjustment.

This paper examines the technology transfer process by Japanese companies through foreign direct investment to Malaysia: including the problems encounter in the process of transferring and the methods employ in resolving them.

The menthod of transfers is as follow. (1) a project type transfer i.e. a short-term,intensive, and group-oriented training at the Japanese parent company which is carried by OJT when the Japanese subsidiary in Malaysia starts its new production. (2)a follow-up type transfer i.e. a long-term, problem-shooting, and individual training which is given by the Japanese parent company by OJT after the Malaysian subsidiary starts its new production. With the combination of these short and long term trainings by OJT, it will serve its purpose in transferring the technology transfer to Malaysia.

However, in Malaysia supporting industries which are necessary for the further development of the electrial and electronic industry have not been established yet, so that the above mentioned Japanese method of technology tranfer may play an important role in transferring in person the skills required by the supporting industries.


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両社は(1)プロジェクト型技術移転と(2)随時型技術移転の2つを併用して技術移転を行っている。プロジェクト型技術移転は、マレーシアで新製品の生産を開始するにあたって、必要な生産技術をマレーシアの従業員を日本国内の親工場に派遣して、OJTにより短期集中的にパッケージで教育・訓練するというものである。随時型技術移転は、新製品の生産が可能となり量産体制も軌道にのり、生産活動が行われる過程で起こってくる問題、技術の修正・変更、あるいは技術の高度化に対して、個別に随時行われる長期型の技術移転である。 日系企業はOJTによる短期、長期にわたる「現場」で「ヒト対ヒト」を通じて「熟練技術」の移転を行っている。





   近藤 正幸

Technology Strategy in a Transitional Economy - The Case of China's Machine Tool Industry - 

   Masayuki Kondo



China retains various characteristics of a planned economy in the machine tool industry as well. The machine tool industry mostly consists of large state-owned enterprises whose management policy is largely influenced by central and local governments. Four policy directions are found regarding production and product technology: establishing self reliance for production, producing a wide variety of products to substitute imports, acquiring the most advanced technologies and dualism of domestic and export markets. These strategies bring in an inefficient production, misallocation of resources and a low return on investment. Regarding R&D, two structural issues are identified. One is the separation of R&D units and production units. This separation results in ineffective R&D in the machine tool industry as a whole. The other is the role of product-group research institutes. They are basically design and development organizations of leading state-owned enterprises in certain product areas and carry out public activities commissioned by the government. These activities include technical review of products developed by other enterprises and standards setting. These activities hinder new product development in a competitive way. For further technology development, recommended are creating a competitive environment by reorganizing the product-group research institutes and by merging a domestic market with an international market, making research units engage in research work and establishing a framework for effective technology transfer from research units to production units. Strategically, incremental innovation and balanced development in related industries are desired. 


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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume2,1996


  市村 真一

International Cooperation Should be a Fundamental Nation Policy of Japan

  Shinichi Ichimura



The paper tries to explain the reasons why the outside world does not appreciate well Japan’s contribution that is the largest in the amount of international cooperation to the developing countries and the various international organizations. It points out the important two defects. One is that Japan offers the financial aid but not in other ways of thinking and policies. Another is that it does not spell out the principles of policies for her international cooperation nor practices those announced four principles to be applied to the recipient countries : 1. the trends of the military expenditure, 2. the trends in developing the nuclear weapons, 3. the trends of export in ammunitions, 4. the circumstances concerning the protection human rights and democracy. The paper points out the shortage of personnel as the most fundamental problem in Japan to be engaged in the activities of international cooperation and offers a number of suggestions and practical devices to overcome the difficulties in implementing better policies and improving the institutional and regulatory rules.




  植之原 道行

Global Development of Electronic Technology 

  Michiyuki Makinohara



The rapid advancement of electronic technology is accelerating the social reform form the industrial society to a highly information-oriented society. Hence an information technology has become a synonym of electronic technology. In order to make the information industry flourish and to realize a lively global society in the 21st century, the information technology has to be further advanced and globalized for effective utilization.

Semiconductors, memories and optoelectronics are the representative core technologies that are vitalizing the electronic technology and demand huge R&D resources. Hence the article concentrate on these limited technologies and review their current status and discuss their prospects. Semiconductor memory and microprocessor are chosen to discuss the semiconductor technology since thy represent two major innovation paths. The semiconductor memory and optoelectronics are very influential to the advancement of memory technology. The optoelectronics technology is also influential to the man-machine interface technology ; however, the presentation is limited to only the effective use of global information infrastructure.

A perspective of information society is presented and an engineers’s view on the global dissemination and transfer of electronic technology and a Japanese role are also discussed.




  エマニュエル V.ソリアノ

A Case Study Analysis for the Evaluation of Technological Innovation

  Emanuel V. Soriano


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本稿では経済発展とは健全かつ効果的な社会を形成するための一つの側面であることを説明した。具体的には、経済発展とは持続的成長、人的資源の開発、技術進歩、経済成長のための投資の促進などを含んでいる。経済に関しては、経済発展と共に公正な分配や経済的な安定も重要である。また、本稿では、経営、経営能力および経営プロセスの持つ意味について説明した。経営においてはノウハウ(Know How:技術的効率)とノウホァイ(Know Why:価値観あるいは哲学)の違いを認識し、それらが同時に追求されなければならないことを議論した。さらに、経営能力の育成にあたっては強力かつ柔軟なリーダーシップが重要であること、特に、ノウハウとノウホァイを明確に認識しているリーダーシップが必要であることを説いた。最後に、効果的な経営と良好な経済発展の間には相互に密接な関係があることを示した。




  谷口 恒明、高橋 進

Productivity and its Technology Transfer

  Tsuneaki Taniguchi, Susumu Takahashi



The productivity Movement in Japan has proven to be of great value and help to the development of the nation. Many developing countries have become interested in such results in Japan and thus hoped to learn from Japan.

Different from other management or engineering techniques, productivity concept involves a variety of techniques in different areas, i.e., engineering, production, marketing, finance, personnel, industrial relations, etc.

To transfer the productivity movement has to be supported by sue attention in addition to its technical aspect (side) to its human aspect (side) which may be termed as productivity mind (awareness) or attitude. Transfer of productivity techniques in human aspect is more difficult than those in technical aspect.

The Japan productivity Center for Socio Economic Development (JpC-SED) has been making efforts to develop a model of methodology to transfer productivity movement to other countries. The paper illustrates the practical and effective methodology of productivity transfer to overseas counties.




  小池 和男

Skill Formation Systems and Technology Transfer

  Kazuo Koike



The paper examines two issues; how crucially important the workers skills are in technology transfer, and how those vital skills can be transferred. The first issue consists of three sub-themes.

(a)How intensively workers skills affect the efficiency: with the similar machinery, workers skills may produce remarkable difference in efficiency even between those workers of long experience. This suggests the urgent necessity of transfer of workers skills.

(b)What the most vital character of these skills is: That is the know-how efficiently to deal with uncertainty, or to handle problems and changes on the shop floor. Since computerization treats those problems whose nature is known well, the uncertain problems would occupy most hours of workers on the shop floor.

(c)How to make this know-how: Because uncertainty makes it difficult to structure effectively off-JT courses, broad OJT within one functions is the main way of making the know-how, through understanding the mechanism of production and experiencing various problems in one speciality.

Second, if broad OJT is the main in making the know-how, technology transfer faces with a challenging problem. Since working together with veteran workers is the best way of OJT, direct investment with many expatriates would become a preferable channel of transfer.

More importantly, there emerges a crucial task how to accommodate OJT into ODA, which has rarely been made because of its inseparability from work and hence invisibleness in terms of cost. This paper proposes a set of polices how to deal with this, affording information of OJT and sending experts of consulting how to implement OJT.




  足立 芳寛、石原 慶一

A Case Study Analysis for the Evaluation of Technological Innovation

   Yoshihiro Adachi, Keiichi N. Ishihara



In the pursuit of sustainable development, it seems that the developed countries have a responsibility to develop a system for the efficient use of the world’s limited natural resources. With the introduction of an efficient resource allocation system, there is a need to aim for moderate growth in developing countries. As a means to accomplishing this, it is necessary to be able to plan technological innovation; in this paper a model which quantitatively analyzes the degree of achievement of the effects of technological innovation will be proposed.

Through a case study analysis of coke oven technology ? one aspect of the iron making process ? a model which displays a measure of the achievement of the effects of innovation of CDQ (Cokes Dry Quench) technology as indicated by “the characteristic time for implementation : τ” is shown. Generalizing form this model, the value of “τ” is useful to analyze quantitatively the following areas: ① the degree of difficulty of technical operations, ② the differences in intervals of technical operations, ③ the differences in ability of people performing technical operations, and ④ the differences in degree of technical adaptability.

Furthermore, when new technology and equipment are introduced into developing countries, the value of “τ” can be useful to evaluate quantitatively the effect of technical cooperation in terms of operations technology instruction.




 佐藤 進

Recent Technology Transfer

   Susumu Sato



Technology transfer plays an important role in activation of recent Asian manufacturing industry.

This paper analyses the structure of technology transfer.

In particular, the recent progress of technology has the most effective influence on the activation of Asian manufacturing industry compared to other factors.

The technology transfer of iron and steel is shown as an example.

Recently, the new style of technology development that utilizes technology transfer appeared and is growing up.




  近藤 正幸

Industrial Technology Strategy of Malaysia to Enhance Industrial Competitiveness

   Masayuki Kondo



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開発技術 Development Engineering Volume1,1995

●<巻頭言> Foreword


   鳥居 泰彦

Creation of International Development Engineering Society

   Yasuhiko Torii



   吉川 弘之

Techno-Literacy and Socio-economic Development

   Hiroyuki Yoshikawa



It is well understood that Japanese post war reconstruction of the economy relied heavily on the development of manufacturing. The fact that technology made a nation prosperous gave a great impact on many developing countries to follow the suit.

High quality and low price products were the result of increased productivity of workers who possessed high motivation to adopt new method and technology.

Engineers’ willingness to contribute to the society through their devotion to the industry had well been rewarded by the firm’s development and the success in the world.

However, once Japanese economy reached to the stagnation in 1980’s, the role of engineers to simply serve for mass production ceased to be appreciated. Instead engineers are now asked to solve many complex problems in which specific technology intervenes deeply with society and economy.

The need to master techno-literacy comes from this social requirement. Techno-literacy consists of two basic characteristics; one is the common understanding of productive activities of human-made system and the other is the ability to design technological system for the need of society.

Future engineering education may be developed on the base of techno-literacy. All the advanced engineering applications may be taught after the comprehension of techno-literacy.




   内田 安三

Changing Role of Science and Technology for Development

  Yasuzo Uchida



To increase human welfare and to promote prosperity into the 21st century, further development of scientific technology and creation to industrial technology have to be achieved. On the other hand, unbalanced development in chemistry and industrial technology has been warned to exhaust natural resources and energy at a global scale and to destroy natural metabolic environment. Recognizing these developments, this paper discusses some issues related to modern industrial technology. It also touches upon unbalanced developments of scientific technology, which often are seen to have followed a logical path. In particular, it emphasizes the importance of the human intention, human desire, and human senses that are associated with these developments. The level of intellectuality and flexible way of thinking are argued to be important in having cross-cultural contact. Finally, the paper concludes by emphasizing that in order to promote balanced development the people, who are engaged in the development of scientific technology, have to possess high intellectuality and moral.




   宍戸 寿雄

Changing Patterns of Technology Transfer: Past, Present and Future

  Toshio ShiShido



Technology plays an important role in economic development. Effective technology transfer is to teach developing (recipient) countries how to be independent technologically, but not to make the recipient dependent on developed (supplier) countries. Technology transfer may be carried out through various means including official development assistance by the government and foreign direct investment by private firms. Success or failure of technology transfer depends not only on the behavior of suppliers but also on the capability of the recipients. Accordingly, suppliers should help improve the capability of the recipients. Since the characteristics of technology reflect various factors such as culture and society, one needs to adopt an interdisciplinary approach to study technology transfer. Successful technology transfer by private firms may five rise to the following problems in supplying counties: hollowing out of the industry, shortage of skilled laborers, and difficulty in universalization of technologies.




   冨浦 梓

Technology Transfer and Hollowing Out

   Azusa Tomiura



Technology transfer is not all easy because technology is made up of a great variety of tacit knowing, while knowledge transfer is comparatively easy because technical knowledge is explicit. One of the key factors why Japanese manufacturing industries have succeeded to produce high quality products within a short period of after the war did exist in technification of tacit knowing scientifically and empirically.

However, technologies which are empirically acquired are vulnerable to the change of external and internal surroundings. The term surroundings as used here means not only scientific and technical conditions influencing production technology, but also environmental, religious, social, economical and political conditions. Since they differ widely according to local conditions, technology acquired based on one county’s or one company’s experience is not directly applicable to the others. Although many efforts have made to construct scientifically supported technologies, technology has not yet reached the domain of universality of science.

The relation between technology transfer and hollowing out depends on whether technology is considered to consist of only repetitive acts ?empirical model-, or whether it is considered to consist of the principles dominating phenomena which are scientifically elucidated and incorporated into repetitive acts ?theoretical model-. In the former case, hollowing out will certainly occur, while in the latter case, hollowing out will not occur as long as technology develops autonomously in successive pursuit of the principles dominating phenomena.

Since technology transfer or overseas transfer of production base is the transfer of the competitiveness, competitive power of Japanese manufacturing industry will be rapidly lost, unless much efforts to increase intellectual stock would be endeavored.





Science-Technology -Economy Interactions

   Nathan Rosenberg


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Technology and Economic Development in Korea 

  Woo Hee Park


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